Monday, May 23, 2011


Today while shopping I found some good deals on DVDs at Target. I never buy DVDs, so it's a pretty big day when I actually shell out some money for some. Once I got home, I realized that they were all connected in some way that I hadn't noticed before. 

Do you see the similarity?

Apparently, I'm a huge Steve Carrell and Anne Hathaway fan. Get Smart and Becoming Jane have been some of my favorite movies over the past few years, both of which Anne Hathaway stars in. Steve Carrell is in Get Smart and The Office. Weird. 

Friday Night

Today, I am writing in address two topics: 1) my new art project, and 2) the horribleness (is that a word?) of hostessing. 

Topic 1:

Last night and today I worked on a small art project that I'm planning on putting in my dorm room for next year. Even though I still have a whole 3 months left of summer, I'm already excited about going back to school and decorating my room, being with my friends, and starting classes again. Hopefully sometime in those next 3 months I will have the motivation to start reviewing for the French class I will take in the fall.

I completely ripped off this idea, but added some words.

Aren't they cool? I like them a lot. I especially like how the word "trust" is in the tree. :)

Topic 2:

I waitressed this afternoon. It was fun. Tonight I was a hostess. I hated it. My knees are killing me, and I felt like I did nothing productive. Ugh. I want to help. I want to do something. When my job is to just stand there and wait, I get very impatient. 

I'm watching a show called Extreme Couponing right now. I really want to do this. A lady just got 600 dollars worth of groceries for one penny! Ahhh!! I may or may not be googling how to start couponing....

That's all for now. :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

   Well, a lot of things have happened since I last posted... some good and some bad. I did some more crafty things, I started my job as a waitress, and I've read a lot. First, I made a purse. It's incredibly small (my wallet barely fits in it!) but I needed to use some extra fabric. And then I started working. So far, I really like waitressing at the 3 Ravens. It's relatively fun, although sometimes stressful, and with the tips, it pays pretty well. Tonight was the busiest shift I've worked so far, and I was told that it wasn't even that busy, so we'll see how much I still like my job when they start scheduling me for the busy times. I've also read a lot. I read a Sarah Dessen book and have started reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I can't wait to get further into the series so I can figure out what Lisa, Josh, and Grant talk about all the time. Haha. 
   Since Taryn is home (YAY!!!! :)), I've been spending time with her. Yesterday we spend most of the day (9-5) in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible. It was great. We read all of Philippians out loud, went to the middle of nowhere and cranked up the worship music in Taryn's car, spent time apart praying for the specific requests, went on a prayer walk around town, and prayed for each other. It was so refreshing.  At IWU, it is really easy to let the school's planned activities take over my spiritual life. I go to chapel, pray in class, participate in Bowford worship nights, and go to Summit. At home, I have to be much more intentional about my spiritual life and sometimes it slips by the wayside to the rest of my activities. I loved being able to devote a whole day to prayer, and hope to do it a couple more times this summer. God is good!
   Tomorrow, I am shadowing Ms. Freemon. I am so excited. She's a school psychologist, one of the things I've been thinking about doing after grad school. I'm going to be observing some evaluations and sitting in on a meeting. Hopefully, tomorrow will give me a better idea if being a school psychologist would be something I'd be interested in doing. 
  Finally, I would like to express my sadness about Steve Carrell leaving The Office. I've been keeping up with this season, and I've never been a big Will Ferrel fan. Steve Carrell made that show for me, so we'll see how long I watch it for. 
  That is all for now. Maybe I will blog again when I have something exciting to share. :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

And the monotony of summer begins...

   I wish I had something interesting to write about.... but I don't. Yesterday, I hung out with Nick. That was fun. We watched Leap Year with his family. I've seen that movie twice and both of those times have been with them. Haha. Today, I woke up, read some of The Lord of the Rings, took a nap, got my teeth cleaned, took another nap, read some more, ate dinner, and took another nap. I've been napping a lot. My sleep debt is finally catching up with me. Tomorrow will be slightly more eventful. I have to go to Champaign in the morning and buy some black shoes for my new job (YAY!). I start Saturday. :) Then I'm going to stage show and will see all of my high school friends!

   So a week ago I went to see Arcade Fire and The National. It was great! We stood in line for an hour outside of the venue (in the rain), then went inside and stood for another hour until the show started. We were probably 8 people back from the stage, so the view was wonderful! Here are some pics of The National:

   Then Arcade Fire came on stage. Their show was awesome! The whole time the members were switching instruments. I'm pretty sure all 8 members played piano at one time, the drum players played guitar, the lead singer played bass, guitar, and piano.... let's just say it was impressive to say the least. Their video effects were super cool as well! After they ended their set, the crowd started singing "Wake Up" to get them to come back for an encore. I loved the whole concert, and I might go as far as saying it was the best one I've ever been to, although it's a close call with the Sufjan Stevens concert I went to back in November. 

So, that's all I have for now. Overall, it's been a boring, yet relaxing day. I hope this weekend will be more eventful!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This morning, I decided that I should journal my activities and thoughts throughout the summer. So, I started a blog! Cool, right? I know that very few people will read this, and that's how I want it, I just wanted a way to keep track of my summer for myself.

So far this summer, I have painted my room, rearranged my furniture, and cleaned like a maniac. Looks nice, right? 

And, yes, I realize those are Monticello High School's colors. What can I say, I have school spirit....still. Or I just like those two particular complimentary colors together. 

Then I started to get crafty. In one afternoon I whipped out this dress (it sort of makes me look pregnant, the skirt was much fuller than expected):

And this skirt:

The dress is weird, probably because I was sewing a stretchy t-shirt onto some pretty stiff cotton. But, the belt covers up all of my mistakes thankfully. The skirt, I love. It has pockets, see?:

Yesterday my mom and I had to make a trip into Champaign to buy some things for a project for her preschool class. We went to JoAnn Fabrics (conveniently enough they have TONS of fabric), and she offered to buy me some more material (score!). I made another skirt last night and love it even more than the first:

I think the thing I like about sewing is the process. I love the uncertainty of if a project is going to turn out alright. I even like seam ripping to fix my mistakes. And the end product is completely worth it! I can say "I made this! It's all mine!" However, fabric is expensive. Although making things is much cheaper than buying them from the store, each project costs me 7 ish dollars, which is no good seeing as I don't have a job for the summer yet. I love getting the most out of my money and shopping on clearance racks. It's worth the extra time and effort to save a few bucks!

I guess this is the end of my first blog post. Sometime in the future, I'll post some pics from the Arcade Fire and The National concert I went to a week ago...